Villetaneuse - Postdoc and permanent positions @ LPL

Envoyé par Frédéric Chevy 
Villetaneuse - Postdoc and permanent positions @ LPL
mercredi 6 décembre 2023 19:13:38
We advertise the opening of 3 postdoc positions and permanent positions at the Laser physics laboratory (LPL) of Sorbonne Paris North University (USPN), in the field of cold atoms and quantum gases.

(*) 3 post-doc positions are open to work either on the Sodium, the Rubidium or the Strontium experiment, see attached documents:

- Dynamics of 1D Bose gases: contact or

- Vortex turbulence on a curved surface: contact or
- Continuous superradiant lasing from an atomic beam: contact or

(*) Sorbonne Paris Nord University will open several assistant professor permanent positions at LPL in 2024 including one focused in the field of quantum gases (`Maître de conférences' position, teaching in French). A professor position will also open, with research in any of the fields covered by LPL. For both positions, you should be able to teach in French. Interested candidates should contact:

Hélène Perrin or Martin Robert de Saint Vincent

We draw your attention on the fact that candidates must already have fulfilled the French 'qualification' procedure.

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 07/12/23 07:59 par Webmaster EDPIF.