Postdoctoral position in ultracold atoms and hydrodynamics of quantum fluids at the University of Queensland

Envoyé par Frédéric Chevy 
Postdoctoral position in ultracold atoms and hydrodynamics of quantum fluids at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

We have an opening for an 18-month fixed-term Postdoctoral Research Fellow position in theoretical and computational physics of ultracold atoms and hydrodynamics of quantum fluids in the research group of Professor Karen V. Kheruntsyan at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

The position is funded by the ARC Discover Project “Hydrodynamics of quantum fluids” and will be at the Research Academic Level A. The postdoctoral fellow will work on fundamental aspects of finite-temperature out-of-equilibrium dynamics of ultracold atomic gases in quantum fluid regimes that can be described by effective hydrodynamic approaches.

The project is motivated by the so-called ``unreasonable effectiveness of hydrodynamics" when it is applied to characterise the out-of-equilibrium behaviour of quantum fluids. Examples here include electron currents in graphene, formation of quark-gluon plasma, and dynamics of ultra-cold quantum gases. The reasons behind the unexpected effectiveness of hydrodynamics in describing these profoundly quantum and physically disparate systems are not well understood. This project intends to develop a systematic understanding of this open question by developing new effective hydrodynamic theories of quantum fluids formed by ultracold atomic gases. More specifically, the aims of the project are:
Formulate new hydrodynamic theories of strongly interacting quantum gases and apply them to understand the out-of-equilibrium behaviour of such gases in hydrodynamic regimes at the Navier-Stokes scale.
Establish the range of validity of these theories by benchmarking them against other many-body methods, including exact numerical techniques where applicable.
Evaluate the thermal conductivity of interacting Bose and Fermi gases and determine the ensuing heat transport in various out-of-equilibrium scenarios.

Applicants will have (or will be in the process of obtaining) a PhD in theoretical physics in the research area of ultracold quantum gases, condensed matter physics, or computational fluid dynamics. Expertise in numerical methods for quantum many-body theory and computational fluid dynamics, such as finite temperature c-field techniques, truncated Wigner approximation, Matrix Product States, or PDE solvers for Navier-Stokes equations will be an advantage. Applicants should also have an emerging profile in the discipline area and evidence of high-quality publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.

Further details about this opportunity, such as the salary range, selection criteria, and information about the School of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Queensland can be found in the online position description at:

Applications for this position should be submitted electronically through the UQ Online Portal accessible from the above link and should include:
• Cover Letter addressing the Selection Criteria (see section About You in the online position description);
• Curriculum Vitae;
• Names and contact details of three referees.

Applications closing date is 3 June 2024, with the expected commencement date of September 2024 or somewhat later. Enquiries can be addressed to the Prof. Karen Kheruntsyan