Laureate of the poster prices

- Gilles MONTAMBAUX : directeur adjoint (Université Paris-Saclay)
- Maria CHAMARRO : directeur adjoint (Univerté Pierre et Marie Curie)
- Sylvie HÉNON : directeur adjoint (Université Paris Diderot)
- Jean-Marc BERROIR : directeur (École Normale Supérieur)
- Roméo BONNET (MPQ): directors' price
- Aurélien BOUR (LJP) : organizators' price
- Adrien JEANTET (LPA) : speakers' price
The planning of the day

General information
The 2016 edition of the 2nd year PhD student day of the ED PIF will be held on Friday April the 22nd in the auditorium Bilski-Pasquier, at the Campus des Cordeliers, 15 Rue de l'École de Médecine, 75006 Paris.
During the day, 2nd year PhD students will present a dozen talks (~20min each) or participate in the poster session. A price will be given at the end of the day for the best poster. Two senior speaker will alsoe give a long talk.
The PhD students are kindly required to give their abstract to the organizing comity ( before Friday April the 22nd using this form.
Dates to bear in mind
- Friday April the 22nd: abstract submisssion dead line for the talks.
- Friday June the 3rd: poster abstract dealine.
- Friday June the 17th: PhD student day.
PhD students document
Inscription form: