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- 08h00-08h30 : Arrival and posters installation
- 08h30-09h00 : Breakfast
- 09h00-09h10 : ED PIF Directoire welcoming
- 09h10-10h10 : PhD student presenations
- 09h10-09h30 : Erwan ALLYS (IAP) : Symétries et cosmologie
- 09h30-09h50 : Hugo PERRIN (PMMH) : Ligne de contact ( PDF )
- 09h50-10h10 : Jérémy BRUN-PICARD (LPN/LNE) : Métrologie ( PDF )
- 10h10-10h30 : Coffe break
- 10h30-11h30 : PhD student presenations
- 10h30-10h50 : Jean-Loup VILLE (LKB) : Gaz de Bose 2D ( PDF )
- 10h50-11h10 : Mehdi LANGLOIS (SYRTE) : Gradiomètre de gravité ( PDF )
- 11h10-11h30 : Christophe GARDELLA (LPS-ENS) : Population de la rétine
- 11h30-12h00 : Ludovic PETITDEMANGE (LRA-LERMA) : Recherche, enseignement et handicap
- 12h00-13h00 : Lunch poster
- 13h00-13h30 : Poster
- 13h30-14h50 : PhD student presentations
- 13h30-13h50 : Lama KHALIL (SOLEIL) : Isolant DF (non-accessible)
- 13h50-14h10 : Emilie GONTRAN (IMNC) : Les tumeurs du cerveau ( PDF )
- 14h10-14h30 : Pascal DELANGE (CPHT) : Corrélations électroniques ( PDF ) ( PPTX )
- 14h30-14h50 : Vincent TRAUCHESSEC (SPEC): Activité neuronale ( PDF )
- 14h50-15h10 : Posters
- 15h10-16h10 : PhD student presentations
- 15h10-15h30 : Quentin FELTGEN (LPS-ENS): Invasions lexicales ( PDF )
- 15h30-15h50 : Olcyr de LIMA SUMENSARI (LPT-Orsay) : Origne de la saveur ( PDF )
- 15h50-16h10 : Maxime HARAZI (ESPCI) : Retourement temporel et grains
- 16h10-16h30 : Coffee break
- 16h30-17h00 : Julien BOBROFF (LPS-Orsay) : La Physique Autrement
- 17h00-17h30 : Poster
- 17h30-17h45 : Posters Prizes
- 17h45-18h00 : Poster
See all abstracts here.FAQ : Frequently Ask Questions
Oral general comments :
When does the day begin?
You can arrive at 8 o'clock, if you want to post up your poster. The breakfast is served at 8:30am. The scientific part of the day will be ushered at 9am. It's the lattest moment at which you can arrive before being frowned upon.
How long ?
The format is 15+5 minutes. The presentation should last 15 minutes and will be followed with 5 minutes of questions. Your presentation can take some time of the questions session, but it cannot exceed 20 minutes.
Which language should I use ?
Either French or English. We highly recommmand to use the language in which you are the most comfortable.
Which scientific level should my presentation have
The PhD students of the ED PIF come from a wide variety of subfields of Physics as shows the different titles of the presentations. You should simply your subjet as if your public was formed of students with a Bachelor degree.
How can I present a poster ?
You just have to fill the followiong form:
How can I know, I've been selected ?
Everyone answering the form can present a poster.
What format should I use ?
Format A0.