Do I have a "personal space" on the EDPIF website?

Have a personal space on the site:

  • Doctoral students in the process of preparing their PhD or just accepted to the ED.
  • Alumni from ED 564 (and former 107, 389, 518) for 10 years following their thesis defense.
  • Thesis directors or advisors officially affiliated with the EDPIF.
  • Thesis directors or advisors who are retired or have left the EDPIF but are still supervising doctoral students.

Do not have a personal space, but only occasional access via a link received by e-mail:

  • Candidates currently being evaluated, as long as their name does not appear on the "Admission"page.
  • Thesis supervisors who are not affiliated to the EDPIF but participate in monitoring committees, for example.
How do I activate my account?

Your account is created on the ED website:

  • For doctoral students, automatically after formal acceptance.
  • For directors or advisors, manually, after receipt of the affiliation form.
  • .

Your login is created automatically, as explained on the "How to log in?" page.
It may eventually be modified, upon request to the Webmaster.

In case of doubt, you can use your email address instead, if it coincides with the one known in our database, but the use of the login is to be preferred.


It is up to you to set yourpassword as explained on the p"How to log in?" page.

Chis password is encrypted by an irreversible algorithm and can therefore not be retrieved.

Personal data protection
The EDPIF's policy on the protection of personal data is described on the page «RGPD»


Doctoral student file
How to delete?

How can I delete incorrect or obsolete data or documents from my record?

  • For text or date fields, the general method is simply to enter the (possibly empty) new value.
  • For certain special fields, a blue trash can icon allows you to delete the entry.
  • For uploaded files, leave the mouse pointer for a few seconds without clicking on the green icon.
    It then changes to a blue dustbin, and a click deletes both the file and the link to it.

    In all cases, it's a good idea to click on 'Ennregistre' afterwards.
Personal data

I do not see the interest or necessity of providing all this data....

Among other things, the doctoral school is responsible for individually monitoring the development of doctoral students' research and skills, as well as their working conditions, and are regularly accountable to their university of registration, the MESR, ainsi que de leurs conditions de travail, et doivent régulièrement rendre des comptes à leur université d’inscription, au MESR, and the HCERES. .

It acts — sometimes without your even knowing it — as the interface between you and:

  • The "Scolarité" Office (administrative registration and defense).
  • The DRH or those with a doctoral contract.
  • The department in charge of complementary training.
  • The UFR, for those with a complementary teaching mission.
  • The referees of your thesis and, if applicable, the authority that validates your committee or authorizes your defense.

It is also responsible for monitoring (for 10 years) your professional career, whether in research or not.

In the specific case of Sorbonne Université, the doctoral school is also responsible for preparing the files required to establish employment contracts (see Data ans documents for CD). This is why it collects relatively sensitive data in the sthe "Infos_admin" section. This data is not intended to be kept, and will be deleted once you have uploaded your employment contract.

Master's institution

Why am I being told to change my master's institution?

When you take a competitive examination or are recruited, we'll be happy to give you a rough idea of the Master's degree you've taken, as long as we can identify it.
Afterwards, for those who have obtained a Master's degree in France, it's important for us to have in the database, not the institution where you attended Master's courses, but the institution where you were administratively registeredwhich awarded you the diploma.

This applies in particular to students in the ICFP master's program: even though it is "managed" by the ENS, and much of the teaching is given there, many of the doctoral students in this program are enrolled at SU, UPSaclay, UP, or Polytechnique, and it is therefore this institution that should be listed in your file.



Thesis writing
Which software for my thesis?

Do I need to use a word processor?

  1. The choice of software used to write the thesis is above all a question of efficiency and compatibility:
    • Efficiency, because it's not a good idea to start using new software when you are working under time constraints.
    • Compatibility, because if your supervisors have to work directly on your manuscript (which happens more often than you might think), they will probably have a strong preference.
  2. In any case, have a look at the guide from ABES (PDF version) and to the training proposed on ADUM, tab "Outils et méthodes pour la thèse" (or equivalent for your university).
  3. If you have the choice, LaTeX is highly recommended — if at least you have the basic knowledge — as it makes it very easy to separate form from content, to handle numerous cross-references or bibliographical references, numerous figures, and a fortiori if you have a lot of equations.
  4. In the case of LaTeX, you are encouraged to attend the workshop «Electronic thesis with LaTeX»  co-organized by the EDPIF as part of SU's DFC, or at least to consult the corresponding slides. A template for pdfLaTeX is proposed, with several specific packages to facilitate certain complex tasks with a view to submitting the thesis in electronic form.
  5. However, if you prefer to use a WYSIWIG (*-office) word processor, you will benefit from using style sheets available from your university website.
  6. For further information, refer to: