Administrative enrollment procedure for PSL


Enrollment in the first year

Once your enrollment in the EDPIF is accepted, i.e., that:

you must start the administrative phase of enrollment on

The steps of the first enrollment are detailed on the First Enrollment page.

Your administrative registration is finalized when your thesis director, the director of your laboratory and the director of the ED have validated in turn your file on Adum.


The purpose of the "Convention Individuelle de Formation" is to make sure that all parties involved in the thesis are informed that the thesis is not just a research work and that it implies a valorisation of your work which must be carried out in good conditions and that training during the thesis should allow you to better carry out your research but also to prepare your future.

Once carefully filled in, the "CIF" is transmitted on Adum to your thesis director for signature. You will then have to print it, sign it, have it signed by all parties and upload it to your personal space on Adum.



Re-enrollment in the 2nd and 3rd years

Re-enrollment in the 2nd and 3rd years is strictly required.

The procedure for re-enrollment is detailed on the Re-enrollment page.

Your administrative registration is finalized when your thesis director and the director of the ED have validated your file on Adum.


Re-enrollment in the 4th year

The length of the thesis is 3 years and the academic year ends on December 31. It is sometimes necessary to obtain permission to re-enroll in the 4th year, typically because the thesis writing or defense are delayed. In this case, and regardless of the length of the extension required, the student must complete an application for an exemption which includes :

If the thesis is defended before the end of the calendar year, it is not necessary to pay a registration fee.


The acceptance of this extension request is strictly conditional upon the implementation by the laboratory of a new employment contract, using its own resources, to extend compensation to the doctoral student for the remainder of the study [the only possible exceptions are: the thesis written and submitted to the reporters with defense scheduled in October; and (ii) the PhD student signed a contract with a third-party company or institution.


The procedure to re-enroll for the 4th year is detailed on the Re-enrollment page.

Your administrative registration is finalized when your thesis director and the director of the ED have validated your file on Adum.