You will find a lot of information about the thesis defence on the website
of the  PSL Doctoral College and in the Resources area

Rule for the selection of rapporteurs :

the two reporters should be external to PSL and to the ED (that is to say, not on the list of supervisors),  and must not have published with the student or with his thesis advisor(s) for the last five years.


It is strongly recommended to contact the director in charge of PSL PhD candidates prior to contacting the members of the jury in order to validate to jury.




-- Thesis defense procedure at PSL via l'ENS --

in the case where your thesis preparation institution is ENS.


ENS thesis defense procedure


 Contact :

Service des Admissions et des Études - pôle des doctorants et HDR

45 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris - on the left ground floor

Phone : 01 44 32 36 14




-- Thesis defense procedure at PSL via ESPCI and Curie --

in the case where your thesis preparation institution is Collège de France, ESPCI, or Institut Curie.


ESPCI thesis defense guide

Curie thesis defense guide

PSL defense guide


 Contact :

Service doctorat de l'ESCPI Paris

10, rue Vauquelin 75005 Paris




-- Thesis defense procedure at PSL via l'Observatoire --

in the case where your thesis preparation institution is the Observatoire.


Observatoire thesis defense procedure


 Contact :

Service scolarité - Observatoire de Paris

61 avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris