Administrative enrollment procedure at Sorbonne Université

The general procedure is described on the website of the IFD, but the principal modes are detailed here.

Enrollment in the first year

Once the principle of your enrollment at the EDPIF is accepted, i.e., that:

you must start the administrative phase of registration.

The steps of this first enrollment are detailed on the First Enrollment page.


Re-enrollment in the 2nd and 3rd years

Re-enrollment in the 2nd and 3rd year is strictly compulsory and must be done before the end of December.

The 2nd registration is possible by right and can be done without going through the ED; of course, this does not exempt you from proceeding, upstream if possible, to the follow-up procedures.
On the other hand, the 3rd registration is conditioned to the opinion of the 2nd year follow-up committee (Decree of May 25, 2016, article 11) and to the validation of the deputy director.
Following this validation you will receive by email the report of your monitoring committee stamped to file in ADUM.


The re-enrollment process is as follows:

Creation of your account on the ADUM platform
Electronic signature of the documents which require it (the simple "pasting" of a scanned signature is not acceptable) and assembly of the supporting documents in a single PDF, for example using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (recent version) and pdf24, software which can be downloaded for free.
After validation of your registration request by your thesis supervisor and by the ED, you will receive an email asking you to continue your registration procedure. For more information, I invite you to go to the SU website


Re-enrollment in the 4th year

The duration of the thesis is 3 years and the academic year usually ends on September 30. It is sometimes necessary to obtain authorization to re-register in the 4th year, most often because the writing of the thesis or the defense has been delayed.

As a result, the academic year in doctoral studies is extended until December 31. Doctoral students who defend their thesis before this date do not need to request a waiver for additional registration. Doctoral students must be funded until the end of their doctorate, i.e. until their defense.

Steps to follow for doctoral students who will not defend before December 31,  and who will have to make a derogatory registration in 4th year:


The acceptance by the Director of the Doctoral College of this derogation request is strictly conditional on the opinion of the Monitoring Committee, the progress report, the timetable for writing the manuscript and/or the thesis plan and on the setting up of a new work contract to extend the doctoral student's remuneration for the time remaining until the defense.